The Network Health Project 

We provide formative feedback to improvement networks and engage in cutting edge research on network health and development.  

Understanding network health and development 

We examine different dimensions of network health and development to better understand and support network leaders and the field. 

Understanding Network Development  

What is entailed in developing the technical capacity, social organization, and cultural norms of networked improvement communities so that they function as scientific-professional learning communities? 

Measuring Network Health 

Using the Network Health Survey, network leaders have the opportunity to understand how their network is developing by comparing their results over time as well as with other NSIs. 

Hub leadership 

By understanding more about the black box of hub leadership, we seek to generate research for the field and tools to support hub leaders.  


Since improvement networks are temporary organizations, we examine how the work sustains beyond the life of the grant funded design. 

An array of resources

We have developed tools to support hub leaders build and sustain improvement networks.

The Improvement Network Health and Development Framework 

  • Domains of network health 
  • Survey/Reporting tool 
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

Hub Briefs 

These briefs detail ways in which hub leaders in the Gates Foundation’s Networks for School Improvement initiative developed challenging aspects of network development. 

“The network health survey, as well as the supportive debrief process they offer, is essential in understanding our network’s strengths and areas for growth.”    

Network Leader, 2023 

Learn more about The Network Health Project 

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